Episode 2

Published on:

31st Oct 2021

02: TGIF

Jack starts her new job in earnest, after learning that her "repairs" job may be closer to ghostbusting. And now she has a new ally, Jose. An ally who looks distressingly familiar...

JACK OF ALL TRADES is a Faustian Nonsense Original. Check it out and read the full scripts under "transcript" at faustiannonsense.com/jack-of-all-trades , and subscribe to our Patreon at patreon.com/faustiannonsense .


Jaci Szilagyi as Jack Withers

Amelia Kinch as Edwith Knight

Joe Cruz as Jose Perez



Episode 2: TGIF



Hi! I’m Jack. Listen closely, it’s all real and very, very important.


You still think this is some grand adventure, don’t you?


It’s my story. Our story.

Thanks for listening to...Jack of All Trades.


Is that seriously what we’re calling it--?

[Cut to intro music.]



[Her Keystone booting up to the opening of elevator doors. JACK yawns. There’s chatter from JOSE and EDWITH]


--a reason I was brought to this site--


Yeah, cuz you’re robot in a:


...Should I come back later?


No, please stay. You are a welcome interruption. And late, which I hope won’t be a regular occurrence. I’ll go get your assignments for the day. Mr. Perez, why don’t you feign some semblance of professionalism? Introduce yourself.

[Heels clicking as she leaves the room. Barstool pushing back and JOSE stands/turns to greet JACK]


Yeah, fine. Hey, I’m--


Oh fuck! Stay back!

[Calling for help]

Ed! Edwith! Mz. Knight! He’s-- Oh no. Uh. He--He’s--


I’m what?


You’re dead! You threw chairs at me, made the lights go all--

[She makes static-y sounds, and vague “oooooo”ing like a ghost.]




I threw salt at you and you screamed like a banshee?


Salt gal! Right. I’m Jose Perez. Oh and FYI, if I had screamed like a banshee, you’d have known.


What happened to ‘you don’t belong here’?


It was just a phase.

[confused silence]

Phase? Get it? Like ghosts phasing through--


[Heels clicking]

Today’s task, singular, is both simple and local. You should be able to address the concern by the end of the day. One of the primary complaints from higher--


Blah fuckin blah. C’mon. List of complaints. Cough it up.


I understand that it’s early in the morning, but please do try to exercise some patience, Mr. Perez. If you’re able.


Is...everything okay?


[He snorts.]

Define “okay.”


[Simultaneous to JOSE’s response]

I don’t want you to worry, Jack. Mr. Perez is still in his adjustment period. Some people find change to be quite upsetting--

[JOSE scoffing loudly]

--and he worked with the previous respondent and a different manager altogether until I was transferred here a month or so ago.


Wow. First name basis already? Way to drink the Koolaid, newbie.


Only by Jack’s request. Of course, if you prefer Ms. Withers--


Wh--Oh! No, I uh. Jack is fine. I’m just... Very casual. Hah.


If you’re Jack, she’s Edwith, and I’m Jose...Then who’s flying the plane?!


[She muffles a laugh.]


There is no plane, Mr. Perez, and time is of the essence. Direct your focus to your job, rather than tacky jokes.

Here’s the unit complaint record from all prior tenants, Jack. The apartment hasn’t been rented out in some time and it’s time to put it back on the market. It seems there are some old issues to resolve, which merit the attention of our new Senior Respondent.


[As he speaks, JACK keeps trying to get a word in edgewise.]

Wait! She’s the new senior respondent? But I’ve been with Fidus Achates for like... 2 years! 3 years? Shit.


Yes, yes, and 3 years and counting. Were you interested in the position?


Fuck no.



[Paper rustling]

Well? Do you have any questions?


Do you wear the same pencil skirt every day, or do you have a closet full of identical ones?


I have as many as I need, and I would encourage you to perhaps make an attempt at looking professional once in a while. Or if that is too difficult to manage, at least act professional.



Oh my god.


Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to tend to. Jack, as the senior respondent, it is your job to make the reports on each response as they are completed. Please come by to check in before the end of the day so that we can cover everything necessary for that responsibility.


Want me to swing by too?



[The elevator dings and the doors open. Her heels click as she goes back to her office. She shuts the door firmly behind her and locks it.]


Hmph. She timed that, didn’t she? I bet she timed that. Un-fucking-canny.

[The elevator doors close behind them]


Do you normally talk to her like that?




Ed. Edwith?


I don’t know an ‘Edward.’


Edwith Knight! Our... boss? We were just--

Is her name not Edwith?


Oh, I’m no good with names. Already forgot yours, Chad.


It’s Jack.


Joyce. Got it.


Wait, hold on, you still never told me-- Aren’t you--? Weren’t you the ghost? ‘You don’t belong here.’


What? No.


But you look just like him--


Yeah, that’s because that was me.

[Elevator doors open and Jose uses his Keystone to open a door.]

C’mon, keep up.


The-- Wait. Wait, hold on a goddamn second--


[Loud sighing.]

I was possessed, Jack. You threw salt. And now I’m about as possessed as I prefer to be.


And you’re--You’re just fine with that?


And what exactly should I do? Cry myself to sleep?

[There’s paper shuffling.]

Looks like your standard electrical crap.


I mean, yes? Maybe? I don’t know! Aren’t you freaked out a little?


About what?



Ghosts being real! Holy shit.


Right. I forget that newbies always have to go through this song and dance. Ghosts are real, the supernatural exists in real life, possession can happen to anyone, yadda yadda yadda. Can you go through the stages of grief while picking up your tools from the supply room? I’d like to get this done early, if possible.


“Newbies?” “Always?” How often do you get possessed?!


All the time. It’s practically my job. Professional Possession Specialist.

[Stunned silence from JACK]

...What? It’s not so bad when you get used to it. Or at least I think so. It messes with your memory a bit. Hazy. Can’t figure out which memories are mine, which ones were theirs, and the headaches are awful!


Jose. I need you to focus. How. often. does. this. happen.


I don’t know! Seattle is a big city, and it’s been a big city for a long time. How many people do you figure have lived and died on Fidus Achates properties?


All of them become ghosts? All of them?


Oh my god, no, only the ones that get attached to something. You ask so many questions. Has anyone ever told you that? Questions that definitely feel Google-able.

Look: my headache and I are going to march my perky little ass down to Unit 37C and get started running diagnostics--




--and leave you here to process, or whatever. It’s the building down the street, third floor, to the left side. You’ll get the hang of navigating these apartments soon enough.


Does Ed know about all this?!




[Frustrated screaming]



Mondays, am I right?

[Sounds of JOSE’s Keystone beeping against a keypad]




Oh, nice! TGIF.

[Door opening.]

Don’t forget to stop by the supply room, get whatever tools, and maybe pack some salt. That was handy. Hurt like a bitch, but it was handy. Quicker than talk therapy. Oh, and maybe bring some hot chocolate.


Do...Do ghosts hate hot chocolate?


Alright see you there! Try not to cry on anything expensive looking!


[Cussing and frustrated noises. Eventually 5 seconds of silence. Keystone beeps as it turns off.]


[NOTE: Whenever MICHAEL talks, there are two layers of JOSE’s voice. A teeny tiny echo. This gets worse the more intensely MICHAEL is feeling.]


[Keystone boots up. JACK is knocking on MICHAEL’s door]

Jose, are you in there? I brought the tools. And hot chocolate. No salt, though, the convenience store was out. But you were probably kidding about that, right?

[A long pause. Knocks again]

Jose, come on.

[Pause continues. Mumbles to herself,]

Are you kidding? Drop an earth shattering bomb on me and then ditch me. Un-fuckin--believable.

[She clears her throat.]

Uh. Whoops. How long has this been on? Hey. Hi. Sorry Ed, God I hope you don’t listen to these. I’m at Unit 37C. I’ve knocked twice. And it’s been... like twenty hours that I’ve been standing here. Not really. Probably only five minutes. Maybe 45 seconds. Hah. Just jokes, Ed. Cuz you...uh. Love jokes.

[Coughing and shuffling.]

Okay, one more time, then I’m out of here--

[The door opens.]


Oh, hey! You must be maintenance. Thanks for coming. You’re just in time, dude.


Jose! Finally! Here, I printed out all of the--


I’m... Michael? Gunderson? I put in a request this morning--?


Uh-huh. So what do I do with the hot chocolate?


...Drink it? I...Are you alright? Are...you new?



Your voice, you’re...Okay. Okay, not a big deal, you can handle this. Oh god, I don’t have any salt--


I got salt in the kitchen if you need it.



You...aren’t mad that I’m here?


What? No, of course not. I called for the repairs, man! I think it’s a problem with the electrical stuff. See, watch this.

[MICHAEL’s footsteps as he walks into the kitchen. JACK following him. Sounds of lights humming and flickering.]

See? If I even try to get close, the lights start flickering like a discount Skrillex concert.

[He walks back out of the kitchen.]

It only happens in the kitchen.


Yeah. Wow. Just like before.


So I figured it was time to call in the professionals. Don’t wanna get shocked trying to fix wiring issues myself! Haha.


Hah. Yeah. That would be... really bad.

[Uncomfortable laughter. Quieter,]

Please let that be an unrelated example.


So... Would it be alright if I...? I’m gonna take the garbage out. So... I’ll be gone for just a sec--


Oh! Yeah! Totally. I mean, if you can. Yeah, that would be fine! You can...You can head on out. Probably.


Real quick, though. Where’s your, uh...fuse box?


Laundry room, that door there. I’ll be right back, I promise.

[Sounds of Michael putting on a coat and leaving.]


[Sounds of Jack doing something until she realizes she’s supposed to be narrating.]

Oh, sorry, audio record. So I’m, uh. Checking the kitchen for anything obvious, scorch marks or...whatever. And Jose’s possessed again. He can apparently leave the house. That’s...something. What’d he say before? Ghosts get attached to things?

[Sounds of JACK walking around. Ominous music starts slow and quiet.]

This one seems kinda friendly at least. No Casper, but you can’t win them all I guess.

[Sounds of lightswitches]

Lights seem fine now that Michael isn’t here.

No flickering or anything. Maybe I really can just throw salt at the problem and call it a day. Less plate-breaking this way. Hey Ed, is that going to be in my performance review?

[She snickers to herself as she continues going through various cupboards, opening doors, etc.]

Okay, Michael, where do you keep your salt... Oh, right. No one actually lives here. Maybe someone left sidewalk salt somewhere, dad always--

[Opens the laundry room door]

--oh FUCK!

[JACK’s visceral reaction: gagging, freaking out.]

No. No fucking way. A body. There’s a body in the laundry room.

[More gagging]

Okay. Um. Aside from the...electric...issues. Bigger problem. Much bigger. Corpse-in-the-laundry room bigger. Also the washer may have a leak, or he just used too much detergent.

[nervous giggle]

Oh god, I think he was electrocuted. Something went horribly wrong with his iron. See, this is why I don’t iron! People can handle my clothes a little wrinkly...

[More gagging.]

Hold on, he’s got a name tag--

[Sounds of JACK taking some steps, stretching over the body to read. More distressed noises.]

Michael Gunderson... Yeah, that fits. Poor bastard....Police. Right? Above my pay grade, corpses.

[The door rustling as MICHAEL opens the lock]

Oh shit. Oh fuck. He’s back. Salt, I still need salt--


Yoooooo! Did you fix everything yet?




You ok dude?


Is this a set up? Are you setting me up? Don’t-Don’t come closer!


[Comes closer]

Whoa, whoa, chill out. What’s going on?


...Are you seriously trying to tell me you don’t know--


Is there something wrong with the laundry room? Hold on, take it easy, I’ll go see what’s up!


Wait, wait, no, don’t step on the water! The wire might be live and Jose--!

[Ominous music comes to its peak, then stops abruptly as MICHAEL enters the laundry room.]


Okay, look it’s a little bit messy and maybe I pull clean clothes directly from the dryer but you don’t have to be judgmental about it. Let me just turn this on--



[Muttering to herself]

Okay. Body’s gone. Ghost body. Oxymoron? Vision? Apparition? Is there a manual for this shit?


Are you sure you’re okay?


Hm? I... I don’t know. You really are Michael Gunderson?


I really am me, and while there have been some close calls while I was TAing, there’s no body count yet.


[Weak laugh]

Yet. Right.


My bad, weird sense of humour, haha. Look, I need to finish my paper, then I have some ironing to do. Sorry to get in your way, but I gotta get it done before my interview tomorrow.


I--Uh. Yeah. Are you? In favor? Of using the iron...? It might be uh. Dangerous. Deadly. Apparently. Maybe it would be best if you never interacted with the laundry room. Like ever again. Have you considered moving? Or buying a new shirt?


Geez, it’s messy but I’m just busy a lot, okay? You’re harsh, dude. You’ve gotta relax! TGIF, right?


I’m not harsh, you’re--!...Sorry. Yup. TGIF.


Hell yeah, am I right? Anyway. I’ll be out soon! Let me know if you need anything. Help yourself to whatever’s in the fridge.

[Door opening and closing]


Yeah. Sure. I have until you need to iron clothes. Until you use the iron. Cool. Got it.

[Weak laughter as the static and vague electric buzzing resume.]

Oh good, the body’s back. Okay. Okay, Michael. Let’s see what you’re attached to and double your recommended daily sodium intake.

Ugh. Get a job, I said. Doesn’t matter what kind of job, just any job! Just as long as it supports you while you write your stupid book--

[Deep sigh]

Okay, let’s try that fusebox. Worth a shot, right? Right. Turn it on and off again, fixes everything.

[Sounds of footsteps as JACK moves to the fusebox. Switches it off. Loud thud distant in the other room.]

...That’s probably not good.

[JACK running to go check the study.]

Michael? Michael are you...are you Jose again? ...Hey buddy! Hey! Hey, are you alive? You’ve got a pulse. Come on, wake up! Wake up and tell me what I’m supposed to do with the stupid hot chocolate!

[A long sigh.]

I guess I’m turning you off and on again.

[JACK trudging back into the kitchen and flipping the fuse box back on. She shrieks a little when MICHAEL starts talking. MICHAEL’s voice is right next to her]


Oh, hey! You must be maintenance--Ah! Whoa! Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you! I just didn’t hear you come in, and--!


[She slams the fuses off again, cutting off MICHAEL sharply. JOSE’s body slumps to the floor. There’s a long pause.]

Shit. That’s...definitely going to bruise. Sorry Jose.

[A pause. Then she turns on the fusebox again.]


Oh, hey! You must be--

[She turns the fusebox off again.]


Okay now we’re even. And I still have a lot of questions for you. When you’re not...possessed. Right. Now I just have to…

[A pause. Then JACK’s keystone starts ringing.]

Oh. Shit. Shit.

[Keystone beeping as she answers]

H-Hey, Ed! ...What’s crack’a’lackin’?


Hello Jack! I thought I would check in on you! I hope you haven’t run into any problems already.


No! Uh. Not a mechanical problem, at least. A uh... different problem, leftover from when Michael Gunderson lived here?

...The kind of problem that seems to be pretty common in our properties?


I am not sure I’m following... Is this repair too complex for you? If your professional opinion is that we should seek another expert--


No! No need to bring anyone else to the apartment.

[She sighs]

Listen, this building seems to have some quirks. Maybe...do you have records from how the old respondent tackled cases like these?


I am hardly in any position to advise you on repair work, but maybe it would be helpful to know that the prior respondent made use of power surges regularly.


Power surges. That could work. I have my taser, and if he’s attached to the electrical-- Yep! Got it.


Good. Was there anything else?


No, I think...I think that’s everything. Now I just have to...do it.


For whatever it’s worth to you, after yesterday, I truly believe you won’t let me down.



Thanks, Ed.


You’re welcome, Jack.

[Keystone beeping as the call ends.]


[She takes a deep breath. Then turns on the fusebox again.]


Oh, hey! You must be with maintenance!


Alright Michael. I’m Jack Withers. Hopefully this works.


Nice to meet you-- wait, what?


Taser should do it, right? Right. Deep breath. Here goes.

[Power surge, humming and flickering. MICHAEL starts screaming.]

Fuck! Oh, fuck I’m so sorry! Shit, shit, shit--

[JACK slams the fusebox off.]

Holy shit. Jose? Holy shit, Jose are you still... ?

[Shuffling, checking his pulse]

Oh thank fuck. Oh my god. No--No power surges. I...I can’t risk Jose like that. I can’t do that to Michael. Aw, hell. What do I… Shit, what do I do? What did he-- Talk therapy, right?

[She turns on the fusebox again.]


Oh, hey! You must be with maintenance!


Hey Michael. I’m Jack Withers. It’s nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you too, dude! Sorry I wasn’t there to let you in. I guess I didn’t hear the knock and--


Hey, so... I think I figured out what’s going on with your electricity. Do you have a minute to talk?


Sure. Is...Is everything okay?


Everything’s going to be alright. Let me just... Here.

[Sounds of JACK taking off the Keystone.]

A little privacy for you. Much better. To the study?


Sure. Lead the way!


Hey, do you want some hot chocolate?

[Sounds of the door closing. Five seconds, then the Keystone disengages.]


[Elevator dings, opens. EDWITH’s voice sounds far away.]


Ah, Jack! Come in, I’m in the office.

[Edwith typing consistently as she speaks]


Hi, Ed. You’re a sight for sore eyes.


Well, aren’t you sweet! How did it go?


Yeah, it's dealt with. How... How much detail do you need?


There’s no set details that I need with regularity. I typically need to know what costs were incurred, the status of the unit, or any unexpected damages. How you fixed the problem will not come up unless you expect a tenant complaint severe enough that we would need to consult the keystone recordings.


Is there something you feel I should know?


It’s more that I’m not sure what you might already know.


What do you mean?


[Hesitates, long moment]

The building has its quirks.


Many do.


[Under her breath]

Yeah, I'm starting to get that.


Did the former respondent ever tell you any details about these quirks? Or maybe the manager you replaced kept notes?


Mm, both did leave extensive details on the problems they encountered, yes.


Really? That’s great! I bet you found all sorts of strange things...right?


Oh, certainly!

[She laughs.]

I remember multiple incidents of one tenant in particular. They--

[She’s laughing hard enough that it’s difficult to speak. JACK is trying to laugh along.]

They kept insisting on making their own compost pile. While a well intentioned idea, it is probably not well suited to an apartment balcony that overlooked a bakery.


...Oh. Oh no.


Can you imagine the call we got from the baker? We managed her property too, of course, and she believed there was a leak in the sewage system! Ugh!

[She’s still laughing.]

It took so long to figure out the source of the ...unpleasantness. You would have thought we were trying to do something wildly unreasonable when we asked them to stop, too. They insisted that it helped ‘balance the energies of their plants’ or something equally spiritual and nonsensical. Absolutely ridiculous!


Right. Hah. Ridiculous! What a quirk. That’s...That’s a quirk, alright!


Obviously we couldn’t risk them aggravating their neighbors further--they already had so many complaints about them regarding shelves to hold crystals ripping out shared drywall, incense... Apparently the prior manager had to nearly double the rent to finally convince them to seek lodging elsewhere.


Wow. That’s...wow.


I’m sorry, you probably weren’t looking for a story. You mentioned quirks, and wanted to know how much I knew of them, right? Let me pull up the records now and we can find what concerns you together.


[Too quickly]

No! No, everything is fine. Textbook!

[Nervous laugh]

All good, boss.


If you insist! If that’s all, then your report...?


Yup! Here.

[Handing over the paper.]


Good. Thank you for stopping by, Jack.


Yeah. Yep. See you in the morning.

[Elevator ding, doors open, doors close. Keystone shuts down.]

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About the Podcast

Jack of All Trades
A Faustian Nonsense Original
A queer occult horror comedy, JACK OF ALL TRADES follows Jack in her new job as a woefully unqualified repairperson. She soon discovers that her resume embellishments are the least of her worries: the flickering lights and strange sounds in the walls all seem to be caused by hauntings!

Luckily she has help from Jose, an experienced technician, whose specialties come with some worrisome side effects. Now she hopes to pick up the skills to survive and stay employed, before her boss (and latest crush) finds out she lied on her resume. Or worse, decides she's crazy.

JACK OF ALL TRADES is a Faustian Nonsense original. Check out our website at faustiannonsense.com or become a Patreon subscriber at patreon.com/faustiannonsense .

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